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Five excursion tips around Prutz

One for each finger on your hand

Here are five excursion tips around the Hotel Post to give you a taste of an unforgettable summer.

From the idyllic Gogles Alm on the Venet at 2,017 metres, a gigantic view opens up: you can see a total of 64 peaks here. In addition to the impressive panorama, you can also enjoy Tyrolean delicacies made from regional products. The starting point of the hike is the Kaunergrat Nature Park House.

But the adventure doesn’t stop there – the Venet mountain has more to offer. At the Venet summit hut at 2,212 metres above sea level, you will find a true outdoor paradise spread out before you, ideal for hikers and bikers in summer and skiers in winter. With stunning 360-degree panoramic views and the nearby Venet Observatory, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience.

The Verpeil mountain hut is located in the Verpeiltal valley, a high-altitude branch of the Kaunertal valley, surrounded by impressive stone pines and rugged rocks. It is a good starting point for thrilling mountain excursions. Situated at an altitude of 2,025 metres above sea level, this location – aptly named “Schön Bödele” (beautiful little place) – offers a true escape from everyday life. With limited mobile phone reception, it’s an ideal spot to disconnect completely, which is often just what you want on holiday!

Next up is the Kölner Haus mountain hut, situated at 1,965 metres above sea level in the Samnaun mountain range. It offers a fantastic view between the Hexenkopf and Furgler peaks. It is easy to reach from Serfaus, either by cable car or an approx. 90-minute hike. Up for more exploration? You’re in luck! You can reach the Hexensee mountain hut at 2,595 metres above sea level in another two and a half hours. Here, you will find a large sun terrace, inviting guest rooms – and, of course, the summit of the Hexenkopf.

All that’s left to do is start your summer holiday – it’s in your hands!
